Cost of education


on the preparatory course - $1800 USA;
in the day-time faculty - $2,400 USA;
by correspondence course of study - $1250 USA;
in the magistracy - $2500 USA.

The cost of studying for Russian language courses is calculated for a month and is $160 USA per month. The cost of training in graduate school and during a scientific internship is calculated individually for each student, depending on the program.

The cost of foreign language courses (English, German, etc.) for foreign citizens:

for 2 students – about $4,5 per hour;
for 3–4 students – about $3,2 per hour;
for 5–6 students – about $2,8 per hour;
for 7–8 students – about $2,4 per hour.

Tuition fees do not include the cost of living in a hostel, which is $50 USA per month.

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