The Organizing Committee of the International Engineering Mechanics Contest for the students of Universities and Institutes of Higher Education would like to inform that the Contest will take place on April 9-12, 2025 at the Belarusian State University of Transport (Gomel, Belarus). The Programme is enclosed.

A team of three-six students of the first-fourth year of education and one supervisor are invited to take part in the Contest. Other students can participate in the individual events and hors concours.

Within the bounds of the Contest the Workshop on Scientific and Methodical Questions of Mechanics will be organized. The Workshop proceedings are to be published.

There is no organizational fee payment. Hotel accommodation and catering are at the expense of the participants.

About the Contest and/or the workshop participation, please, contact the Organizing Committee by e-mail (preferably) or phone. The deadline is  Marth 31, 2025.

You can find with the problems of the Contests 2005–2019  here.

You can find with the problems of the Contests 2020  here.

Contact:  Department of Technical Physics and Engineering Mechanics,

St. Kirov, 34,

Phones:   (+375232) 952951, (+37529) 8311429, (+37544) 7611429.


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