Student life

The BSUT accepts and prepares foreign citizens for the selected specialty of the university on a full payment basis. Foreign citizens can get the following levels of education at the university:




To obtain higher education, foreign citizens must have the necessary level of education corresponding to the general secondary or secondary specialized education in the Republic of Belarus, or the education necessary for studying at the magistracy.

Foreign students with higher education at the master's level are admitted to the postgraduate course of the University. Training in postgraduate studies is carried out either in full-time or in absentia.




For internships, as well as for advanced training, foreign citizens with relevant education can be accepted.

Students of our university, thanks to the work of experienced and highly qualified teachers, have all the opportunities to receive thorough knowledge in general and special disciplines, engage in research, public, cultural and sports activities.

At the lecture sessions, highly qualified teachers train students taking into account the modern requirements of training specialists, achievements and prospects for the development of the transport industry.

The University has a modern material and technical base, including specialized laboratories equipped with models and machines, test benches and equipment, as well as modern software systems and devices. To increase the efficiency and quality of training specialists, study new equipment designs, as well as modern production technologies, branches of the departments have been set up at the enterprises of the Belarusian Railways and others.

In addition to the main specialization, students at senior courses can be trained at the Institute for Advanced Studies and receive a diploma at the higher education level in the second specialty, thus broadening their already wide range of opportunities for employment and career development.



The university campus of the University unites four comfortable hostels, equipped with computer classes, kitchens, buffets, first-aid post. In dormitories there are regularly held creative evenings and discos.

The university is famous for its rich sports traditions. We repeatedly became winners of annual Universiade, interuniversity and republican competitions. Not one dozen candidates for master of sports and masters of sports have been prepared.

Students are provided with all opportunities for cultural leisure.

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