On November 27-28, the III Forum of Rectors of Universities of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Belarus was held in Dushanbe.
On October 25, foreign students of the Faculty of Education of Foreign Citizens and teachers of the Guangzhou Railway Vocational College, accompanied by senior teachers of the Department of Slavic and Romano-Germanic Languages Kulazhenko N. In and Volskaya I. I. visited the Gomel Regional Museum of Military Glory.
From October 14 to December 5, within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between the educational institution "Belarusian State University of Transport" and the Guangzhou Railway Vocational Technical College (PRC), college teachers at our university undergo an internship in order to study the organization and conduct of educational, methodological and research work.
On September 26, 2024, the Faculty of Education of Foreign Citizens hosted the "Dedication to Students" of first-year foreign students who started classes at our university this year.
The first working week of our teachers, who were sent to China to teach students of the Guangzhou Railway Vocational Technical College the specialties "Management of operational work in railway transport" and "Electricity supply of railways" within the framework of existing Agreements on joint educational programs between BSUT and the College, is coming to an end.
At the end of the visit to Uzbekistan, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Yerofeev A.A. held working negotiations with Ryskulov Alimjon Akhmadzhanovich, Dean of the Faculty of International Educational Programs at Tashkent State Transport University.
During the visit to Uzbekistan, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Yerofeyev Alexander Alexandrovich visited Tashkent State Transport University.
Alexander Alexandrovich Yerofeyev, Vice-Rector for scientific work, visited the Tashkent foundry and mechanical plant during a business visit to Uzbekistan.
As part of a working trip to Guangzhou (CPR), the BSUT delegation took part in events dedicated to the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Guangzhou Railway Polytechnic.
A career guidance lecture for students of the Guangzhou Railway Polytechnic, which is a long-time business partner of BSUT, began on May 24, 2024, a working visit by the first Vice-rector of our university, Samodum Yury. and the Head of the International Relations department, Shebzukhov Yury