Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining

The Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of the Leaders and Specialists of the Transport Complex of the Republic of Belarus has been accredited as an educational institution with the right to carry out advanced training and retraining of personnel in the specialties of technical and economic profiles. In IAS on a paid basis, retraining is conducted for obtaining the second specialty (qualification) in the following specialties (correspondence course):

Specialty Qualification Term of training (months)
Logistics Specialist on logistics Economist 18
Accounting and control in industry Accountant-economist 18
Labor protection in railway transport Specialist on labor protection 19
Economy and management at the transport enterprise Economist 19
Business Administration Manager Economist 20
Financial management Manager Economist 20
Industrial and civil engineering and construction Civil Engineer 24
Information Systems Software The engineer-programmer 24


The following are accepted for training:

  • persons with higher education;
  • students of the last two years of full-time studies in higher education.

Admission is based on the results of the interview. The beginning of classes is as soon as the groups are completed.

Upon completion of the training, a state diploma on retraining is issued with appropriation of the relevant qualification. The issuance of diplomas on the completion of the IAS is carried out by providing a diploma in the main specialty.

In the IAS of  BelSUT is recruited into the groups of pre-certification training of specialists in the construction industry. Crediting is carried out on the basis of a letter of guarantee. The beginning of classes is as soon as the groups are completed. In addition, specialists in the transport sector can improve their qualifications in senior management courses in accordance with the plan, which is coordinated with the staffing requirements of the railroad management. 

Contact Information:

Fax: 8 0232 31 92 70

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