Faculty "Transportation process management"

Faculty "Transportation process management" produces engineers for rail, road and river transport. Scientific and pedagogical cadres of the highest qualification are trained in post-graduate and doctoral departments at the faculties. They carry out research that is of great importance for the development of the transport complex of the country.Specialists trained at the faculty work at the enterprises of magistral and industrial transport, in scientific research and design institutes, at enterprises of other branches of the national economy, in financial and exporter structures.

Specialties of the faculty:

  1. “Railway transportation, management and logistics” (Qualification - engineer).
  2. "Trucking transportation, management and logistics" (Qualification - engineer manager).
  3. "Marine transportation, management and logistics” (Qualification - enginee).
  4. “Urban transportation" (Qualification - engineer-inspector).
  5. " Mapping and transportation logistics” (Qualification - engineer-economist logistics).

The faculty has a scientific school "Rail transportation management systems and the reliability of the functioning of transport facilities", the main scientific research of which is carried out for transport organizations of Belarus and other CIS countries, cover a wide range of urgent problems.

Contact Information:

tel .: 8 0232 95 21 91; fax: 8 0232 31 92 69

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