“Transportation Engineering and Construction” faculty

The “Transportation Engineering and Construction” faculty provides training for specialists with advanced knowledge in the design and construction of railways, highways and transport infrastructure.

Specialties of the Faculty of Construction:

  1. "Construction of railways, track and track facilities" (qualification - engineer of communications - builder).
  2. "Highways" (qualification - civil engineer).
  3. "Water supply, water disposal and protection of water resources" (qualification - civil engineer).
  4. "Energy-efficient technologies and energy management". The catalogue of disciplines of the curriculum

The visiting card of the faculty is the project "Educating the leadership and professional qualities of students through participation in the work of student construction teams." Within the framework of this project, all future members of the construction teams undergo a thorough selection, which also includes the passing of exams for the knowledge of occupational safety and health regulations with an assessment of at least 7 points (on a 10-point scale). Construction teams for the students of the faculty are an integral part of the educational process, a full-fledged production practice.

An important fact can be considered that the implementation of the project will provide an opportunity to distinguish from the number of students leaders - people with a formed civic self-consciousness and a pronounced patriotic position.

The faculty has a scientific school "Physical Chemistry of Composite Polymer Materials".

Contact Information:

tel: 8 0232 95 21 92

Fax: 8 0232 31 92 89

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