Mikhalchenka Anatoli


Mikhalchenka Anatoli

Name: Anatoli
Patronymic: Alyaksandravich
Surname: Mikhalchenka
Position: Associate Professor of Department  "Road Transport and Traffic Management"
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Science degree: Ph.D.
Academic degree: Associate Professor

Place and date of birth

Bobruisk, June 16, 1955


Higher. In 1977 he graduated from the Belarusian Institute of Railway Engineers, 1981 graduate school.


From the train compiler to the assistant professor of the Department of Road Transport and Traffic Management

Awards and prizes

Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Prize of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, medal of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR, diploma of the Gomel Oblast Executive Committee. Industry awards: Honorary Transport Worker of Belarus, honors pupil of the Belarusian Railway, silver badge of the "Gomeloblavtotrans" enterprise, gold badge of OJSC "Ukrainian Railways"

Disciplines taught

"Logistics", "Marketing on transport", "Tariff schemes", "Fundamentals of the theory of transport systems", "Economics of transport and personnel management instead", graduate design, graduate and postgraduate studies.

Research Interests

Applied mathematics, management accounting, engineering developments in transport.

Major publications

24 study guides with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of Belarus, Ukraine and Bulgaria, 18 teaching books, 2 monographs, 244 publications in scientific journals.


Takes part in the international scientific-production project "Tasis" as a scientific consultant and head of the section on scientific support of investment development of the 9th international transport corridor.


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