
The organizing committee of the XVI International Engineering Mechanics Contest of university students reports that the Contest will be held on April 12 - 24, 2021 by the Belarusian State University of Transport (Gomel) in the distance form.

To participate in the Contest, there are invited university teams, consisting of no more than six students of the first-fourth year of study. Students of 1-4 courses can participate in the Contest out of competition.

There is no Registration fee.

To participate in the Contest, team supervisors and participants of the competition must register.

You can find with the problems of the Contests 2005–2019  here.

You can find with the problems of the Contests 2020  here.


Contact:           Department of Technical Physics and Engineering Mechanics,

St. Kirov, 34,

Phones:            (+375232) 952951, (+37529) 8311429, (+37544) 7611429.

E-mail:            tm.belsut @

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