Department of environmental safety and energy saving in transport


The Department includes 3 laboratories: NIL "Environmental safety", NIL "Energy efficiency and labor protection" and physical and chemical laboratory. The BSUT RCT the criteria of the national accreditation system of the Republic of Belarus and is accredited for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO/IEC 17025 (accreditation certificate no. BY/112

The Department of environmental safety and energy saving in transport has more than 150 units of modern equipment, which allows testing and measuring at the advanced technical level.

Currently, the Eiet Department employs 33 employees with higher education, including 7 candidates of technical Sciences.

We perform work on the territory of the entire Republic of Belarus on objects of any complexity. Today, the customers of our services are

Belarusian railway, JSC "Mozyr oil refinery",
Rue "Belpochta", JSC "Naftan", JSC "Gomeldrev",
JSC Gomelzhelezobeton, JSC Milkavita, Novopolotsk thermal power plant,
JSC "Gomel chemical plant", kpup "gomelvodokanal" and many others.

The Department of environmental safety and energy conservation in transport is a developer of advanced training courses for specialists involved in environmental protection in the following areas:

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