
Azemsha Siarhei

Name: Siarhei
Patronymic: Alyaksandravich
Surname: Azemsha
Position: Head of Department
Phone, Viber, WhatsApp: +375297316677
e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

Scientific degree: Ph.D.
Scientific title: Associate Professor

Teaching disciplines:

    • traffic management;
    • technical means of traffic management;
    • sustainable urban transport systems

Research areas - sustainable transport, green cities, road transport, transport planning, computer simulation of transport processes, data analysis, road safety.

Scientific articles - today more than 90 publications. Of these, the main ones:

Scientific and educational publications - 21 editions, 12 of them with the stamp of the Ministry of Education.

The main ones are:

    1. Technical means of traffic management. Workshop Book stamped by the Ministry of Education.
    2. International road transport of goods. Book stamped by the Ministry of Education.
    3. Road transport of passengers and goods. Workshop Book stamped by the Ministry of Education.
    4. Software for the examination of accidents. Book stamped by the Ministry of Education.





  • выпрабаванні камплектуючых вырабаў і элементаў чыгуначнай інфраструктуры ў адпаведнасці з вобласцю акрэдытацыі;
  • статычныя і стомлесныя выпрабаванні літых дэталяў;
  • вызначэнне геаметрычных параметраў металапрадукцыі і вырабаў;
  • вызначэнне хімічнага складу металапрадукцыі;
  • вызначэнне механічных уласцівасцяў металапрадукцыі;
  • вызначэнне мікра - і макроструктуры.