Collection of student scientific proceedings
Collection’s Volumes

Editor-in-chief – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Yuri Kulazhenko
2020 год
2019 год
2018 год
2017 год
Criteria for selecting articles in the collection
- Only for the participants of a student scientific and technical conference (or Olympiad, congress, symposium, competition) of BSUT (as a result of which a collection is published).
- There is recommendation of participant’s (vide supra §1) paper for publication in the Collection in the report on the work of the conference’s (or Olympiad, congress, symposium, competition) section.
- Two university researchers’ reviews on the article of a student scientific and technical conference (or Olympiad, congress, symposium, competition) of BSUT.
- The article is drawn up in accordance with the requirements.
- The article was submitted on time established by the order on the student scientific and technical conference (or Olympiad, congress, symposium, competition) of BSUT.
The editorial team reserves the right to decide on publication based on the reliability of the data presented and the scientific significance of the work under consideration.
Presenting Rules
Статьи, направляемые в сборник студенческих научных работ, должны соответствовать следующим требованиям:
Articles sent to the collection of student research papers must meet the following requirements:
- The article should not be published earlier in any printed or electronic publication. It is possible to publish an extended version of any work with the obligatory mention of its original version in the list of literary sources and text.
- The material of the article should be stated very clearly in Belarusian or Russian, printed on white paper with a laser printer. The volume of the manuscript should be at least 0.35 of the author's sheet (<= five full pages when formatting according to the specified requirements in A5 format (148 × 210 mm)).
- The article should be presented in a single copy on paper and carefully edited. At the same time, the text of the article is presented in electronic form in the Word editor in *.doc format (compatible with Word 2010) in the form of a regular text file - by the name of the author (authors), font is Times New Roman.
- The manuscript of the article should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.5–98 “Magazines, collections, information publications. Publishing of published materials”, GOST 2.105–95 “Interstate standard. General requirements for text documents".
- The text of the article should be made up of a format of 11.7 cm in width and 17.2 cm in height (margins: top - 1.7 cm; bottom - 2.1; right; left - 1.6) and contain the following information:
- there is UDC index (font size - 10 pt., direct light) in the upper left corner of the first page;
- through the interval - the initials and surname of the author (authors) in capital light italics 10 pt., group code - in brackets, direct; on the next line - the supervisor, his academic degree (abbreviated) - direct, initials, surname - in capital light italics 10 pt.;
- below, at intervals, the title of the article, which should reflect the main idea of the research performed, be as short as possible, contain keywords allowing to identify this article - in capital bold, without hyphenation (font size - 10 pt.);
- through the interval - annotation, which gives a brief description of the article (paragraph 5 cm, font size - 9 pt., volume - up to 10 lines, or 100–150 words);
- through the interval - the text of the article: font size - 10 pt., paragraph - 5 mm, line spacing - single, alignment - width, hyphenation mode - auto;
- through the interval - a list of references (font 9 pt.); drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1–2003 “Bibliographic Description” and GOST 7.82–2001 “Bibliographic Description of Electronic Resources”; - through the interval - the date of receipt of the manuscript in the editorial board (font - 8 pt.); For example: Received June 5, 2017. - through the interval - a list of references (font 9 pt.); should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.1–2003 “Bibliographic Description” and GOST 7.82–2001 “Bibliographic Description of Electronic Resources”;
- through the interval - the date of receipt of the manuscript in the editorial board (font - 8 pt.); for example: Received June 5, 2017. - The scientific article should contain:
- an introduction, which provides a brief review of the literature on this issue and unresolved issues are indicated, the goal of the work is formulated and justified, that is, the statement of the problem;
- the main part containing a description of the methodology, equipment, objects of research and detailed coverage of the content of the research, which can be illustrated by graphs or confirmed by calculations in tabular form. The results obtained should be analysed in terms of their scientific novelty and compared with the corresponding known data. The main part can also be divided into subsections (with explanatory headings). The illustrations, formulas, equations, and footnotes found in the article should be numbered in accordance with the sequence of their placement in the text;
- in the conclusion there are the main results obtained which are stated in a concise form, indicating their novelty, advantages and applications. - The graphic material in the article (drawings and diagrams) should contain no more than five figures and be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of R 50-77–88 “Recommendations of ESKD. Rules for the execution of diagrams”. Each figure should have a name (font size - 9 pt. light lowercase), which is placed under it (for example: Figure 1 – Motor control circuit). The inscriptions on the figures themselves are typed in 9 pt. Post a figure after linking to it in the text. Figures as scanned pictures are not accepted by the editorial team. The inscriptions in the figures, graphs and diagrams must be editable, that is, when you open the file, you can make corrections.
- Tables (up to three) are located immediately after the text where they are first mentioned. Each table should have a number and a name that is placed above it (for example: Table 1 - Measurement results). The font size of the title and the main text of the table is 9 pt., and the head (heading) is 8 pt.
- Formulas are typed with the same font size and the same headset as the main text (letters of the Russian and Greek alphabets, numbers, signs of mathematical functions - in direct font, Latin letters – in italics). Tables and formulas, as well as figures, must be editable, with the ability to make corrections.
- The dimensions of all quantities used in the text must comply with the International System of Units (SI).
Articles in the Collection of student scientific proceedings are presented with a review of the faculty responsible for research. The entire responsibility for the content and reliability of the data presented, the design of the articles in the collection is borne by the authors and their scientific supervisors. By submitting an article for publication, the authors agree to a possible editorial revision that does not distort the main content of the article. Manuscripts that do not meet the specified requirements are not accepted for consideration.
Download the rules for providing manuscripts of articles (reports) to the Collection