Skirkouski Siarhei Uladzimiravich


Skirkouski Siarhei

Name: Siarhei
Patronymic: Uladzimiravich
Surname: Skirkouski
Position: Associate Professor of Department "Road Transport and Traffic Management"
Phone +375 232 95 39 96
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Scientific degree: Ph.D

Place and date of birth

Belarus. Gomel, May 6, 1975


Higher. In 1999 graduated from the Belarusian State University of Transport.


1999 - 2006 Assistant, Department of General Transport Problems

2006 - 2013 Senior Lecturer of the Department "General Transport Problems"

2013 - 2017 Senior Lecturer, Department of Traffic Management

2017 –2019 Senior Lecturer, Department of "Road Transport and Traffic Management"

Since 2019, associate professor of the department "Road Transport and Traffic Management"

Disciplines taught

Examination of traffic accidents.

Intelligent systems in traffic.

Transport in city planning.

Road safety management.

Forensics and forensics.

Quality management, certification, licensing.

Metrology, standardization, certification.

Research Interests

Transport planning and modeling; optimization of passenger transportation processes; traffic safety


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