The complex of works on the development of the system of commission inspections of stations of the Belarusian railway:

  1. Development of the technical support service «The procedure for conducting monthly commission inspections at the stations of the Belarusian Railway», which involves standardization of the process in accordance with the requirements of the Rules of Technical operation of the Belarusian railway and other regulatory documents in the field of maintenance of technical devices of the infrastructure of stations and unification of requirements for commission inspections;
  2. Development of a Methodological guide for conducting commission inspections of station facilities and quarterly commission inspections of non-public tracks, aimed at providing participants of commission inspections with visual methodological material in order to improve the quality of inspections;
  3. Development of technological and technical requirements for automating the processes of processing the results of commission inspections, determining measures to eliminate detected malfunctions and monitoring their execution;
  4. Development of an Automated system «Monthly commission inspection» in accordance with the established requirements.


The creation of this system is part of a complex of works to improve the processes of monitoring and analyzing the state of the infrastructure of the Belarusian Railway.

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