The swimming pool provides the conduct of the training process among university students and provides paid fitness and health services:

  • swimming pool 25x11.5 (4 paths for swimming);
  • sports hall (1520 sq. ft.);
  • swimming pool with sauna.

Operating time of the pool:

weekdays: 6.35 - 21.30;

Saturday, Sunday: 7.15 - 21.30;

during the holidays the pool does not work.

Head of the pool

Phone: +375 232 31-69-83

Fax: +375 232 31-69-83

In the sports facility of BelSUT there are competitions of various scale: city championship in game sports, regional student competitions and actions, competitions of the Republican scale among leading employees of various industries, Republican competitions in weight-lifting among military faculties of the Republic of Belarus.

The sports facility unites: a basketball hall, a volleyball hall, 2 table tennis halls, a weightlifting hall, 2 gyms with simulators, a wrestling hall, a gym. There are 16 sports sections.



Students of the University have free access to visit the sports facility in the evening.

To improve sportsmanship, a sports club is organized.

The main activity of the sports club of BelSUT is the creation of favorable conditions in the field of physical culture, sports and tourism for the formation of a versatile personality. The greatest successes have been achieved in the struggle of classical and freestyle, beach volleyball, table tennis, winter and summer all-around, aerobics sports, football, kettle bell lifting.


The head of the department "Physical education and sport" is the Master of Sports of the USSR in freestyle wrestling, assistant professor

Phone: (0232) 77-40-74

Phone: (0232) 95-29-14

Head of sports club

Phone: (0232) 95-34-37

The campus consists of four student dormitories.

The work of the campus is aimed at providing housing for needy nonresident students, undergraduates, graduate students, university entrants, university employees and business travelers to the university.

With each resident the contract of hiring of a dwelling premise is concluded and their registration in regional administrations of a city is carried out. Each student living in a hostel, for the period of study is registered in the department of passport and visa services.

In dormitories, the necessary conditions for living, independent study and recreation, as well as for conducting cultural and educational work are created.

Head of the campus

Phone: +375 232 95-39-15

Phone: +375 232 77-62-11

Hostel №1


Karpovicha str., 3, phone number 95-24-27

Hostel №2


Kirova str., 33, phone number 95-26-64

Hostel №3


Krasnoarmeyskaya str., 4, phone number 95-34-85

Hostel №4


Krasnoarmeyskaya str., 4-a, phone number 95-28-59


В процессе обучения студенты изучают устройство судов, технологию и организацию перевозок грузов и пассажиров на водном транспорте, безопасность движения, информационные системы на транспорте, логистику, проектирование транспортных коммуникаций и объектов водного транспорта и другие вопросы, связанные с транспортной деятельностью.

Основными сферами профессиональной деятельности выпускников являются:

  • деятельность пассажирского морского и прибрежного транспорта;
  • деятельность грузового морского и прибрежного транспорта;
  • деятельность пассажирского речного транспорта;
  • деятельность грузового речного транспорта;
  • научные исследования и разработки в области технических наук;
  • высшее образование.

Объектами профессиональной деятельности выпускников являются:

  • предприятия и организации речного транспорта;
  • транспортно-экспедиционные организации;
  • транспортные и логистические подразделения организаций различных отраслей экономики;
  • службы маркетинга на транспорте;
  • организации по исследованию, проектированию и информационному обеспечению транспортной деятельности;
  • органы экспертизы, лицензирования и сертификации на транспорте;
  • органы управления и контроля на транспорте.

Выпускающие кафедры:

«Транспортные узлы» «Транспортные узлы»

«Управление эксплуатационной работы»



Профилизация «Международная транспортная логистика»


Срок обучения

4 года




Инженер–экономист. Логист

Предметы профильного

(ЦЭ, ЦТ)

Иностранный язык (ЦЭ, ЦТ)

Русский (белорусский)
язык (ЦЭ, ЦТ)

Форма получения

За счёт средств бюджета

На платной основе

План приема
2024 года, чел.



Проходные баллы
2023 года




Сфера профессиональной деятельности: организация перевозок грузов железнодорожным транспортом, складирование, транспортная обработка грузов и транспортно-экспедиционная деятельность.

Объекты профессиональной деятельности: предприятия и организации железнодорожного транспорта; транспортно-экспедиционные и логистические компании; транспортно-логистические центры; грузовые терминалы; транспортные и логистические подразделения организаций различных отраслей экономики; организации, оказывающие таможенные услуги.

Основными местами распределения специалистов в области логистики являются:

  • транспортно-экспедиционные и логистические компании;
  • транспортно-логистические центры;
  • предприятия транспортного комплекса республики;
  • в организации, оказывающие таможенные услуги.

Выпускающая кафедра «Управление грузовой и коммерческой работой»



The Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of the Leaders and Specialists of the Transport Complex of the Republic of Belarus has been accredited as an educational institution with the right to carry out advanced training and retraining of personnel in the specialties of technical and economic profiles. In IAS on a paid basis, retraining is conducted for obtaining the second specialty (qualification) in the following specialties (correspondence course):

Specialty Qualification Term of training (months)
Logistics Specialist on logistics Economist 18
Accounting and control in industry Accountant-economist 18
Labor protection in railway transport Specialist on labor protection 19
Economy and management at the transport enterprise Economist 19
Business Administration Manager Economist 20
Financial management Manager Economist 20
Industrial and civil engineering and construction Civil Engineer 24
Information Systems Software The engineer-programmer 24


The following are accepted for training:

  • persons with higher education;
  • students of the last two years of full-time studies in higher education.

Admission is based on the results of the interview. The beginning of classes is as soon as the groups are completed.

Upon completion of the training, a state diploma on retraining is issued with appropriation of the relevant qualification. The issuance of diplomas on the completion of the IAS is carried out by providing a diploma in the main specialty.

In the IAS of  BelSUT is recruited into the groups of pre-certification training of specialists in the construction industry. Crediting is carried out on the basis of a letter of guarantee. The beginning of classes is as soon as the groups are completed. In addition, specialists in the transport sector can improve their qualifications in senior management courses in accordance with the plan, which is coordinated with the staffing requirements of the railroad management. 

Contact Information:

Fax: 8 0232 31 92 70

e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.


At the Belarusian State University of Transportation, the implementation of educational programs in the following specialties is organized at the second stage of higher education:


  • Economics and management
  • Accounting and statistics
  • Processing of structural materials in mechanical engineering
  • Transportation
  • Systems, networks and telecommunications
  • Architecture
  • Engineering and Construction


  • Economics and enterprise management
  • Modern and high-tech technologies in the management of technical systems.

The cost of studying in the Master's program is $ 2500.

Head of the Department of Magistracy and Student Science

Work tel: +375 232 95-39-71

Mob. tel: +375 29 661-15-70


tel: +375 232 22-42-93