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Добро пожаловать на Олимпиаду!

Адрес: 246653, г. Гомель, ул. Кирова, д. 34.

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Режим работы: 8:00 - 17:00,
обеденный перерыв: 12:00 - 13:00


The School leaders are Galay Eduard Ivanovich, Pigunov Anatoly Vladimirovich.

tel.: +375 232 95 39 08



The head of school:

The head of the Department "Technical Physics and Theoretical Mechanics" Advanced Doctor in Engineering Sciences, Docent

Shimanovsky Alexandr Olegovich



The head of school:

Advanced Doctor in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor

Kholodilov Oleg Viktorovich


The head of school:

Advanced Doctor in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor

Neverov Alexander Sergeevich   


School founder: Advanced Doctor in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor A. Neverov



The founder of the Higher Mathematics department was its first head - a student of the legendary academician Schmidt O.Yu. Full Professor Chunikhin S.A. - a prominent scientist in the field of group theory and a talented organizer of science, who later became an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR and an honored worker of science of the BSSR. S.A. Chunikhin and his many students created the Gomel algebraic school, widely known in the country and beyond. The greatest contribution to its formation was made the Advanced Doctor in Physico-mathematical Sciences, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Full professor L. Shemetkov, Advanced Doctors in Physico-mathematical Sciences, Full professors S. A. Rusakov, A. N. Skiba, V.S. Monahov.

At present, the traditions of the school at the department are continued by their students, among them the Advanced Doctor in Physico-mathematical Sciences Kulazhenko Yu.I., 8 Ph.D.s of Physico-mathematical Sciences.

Чунихин С.А.


S.A. Chunikhin

Русаков С.А.

S. A. Rusakov

Шеметков Л.А.

L. Shemetkov