Prevention and avoidance of the HIV infection

Prevention and avoidance of the infectious diseases spread, especially HIV infection, among foreign students is the most important area of educational work at the Belarusian State University of Transport. This contributes to the formation of a multicultural space among young people and the maintenance of a proper level of self-discipline and social responsibility in society.


In order to increase the level of knowledge on the problem of HIV infection and the formation of responsible behaviour to preserve their health and their loved ones, a meeting of foreign students of the university was organized and held on October 27, 2022 at the Faculty of Education of Foreign Citizens (FOIG) with the participation of an epidemiologist of the HIV prevention Department/AIDS of the Gomel Regional Centre of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health N. V. Vychikova.

The meeting addressed the problem of the spread of HIV infection, ways of its transmission and prevention. The epidemiologist elaborated on the coverage of this topic. This allowed students to learn more about the main ways of HIV transmission and modern methods of its diagnosis and treatment. In an interview with students, N. V. Vychikova stressed the importance of forming safe and responsible behaviour among young people to preserve their health and the health of their loved ones. Special attention was paid to the fact that each person is personally responsible for protecting himself and others from infection. Only knowledge and self-control can protect against an incurable disease.


At the end of the meeting, the so-called "myths" on the problem under discussion were considered in detail, among which one of the first is the "myth" that HIV infection is transmitted through handshakes, kisses, shared dishes, in a swimming pool, sauna, gym. The doctor explained that the HIV virus quickly dies in the external environment, then that it can only be contained in human body fluids, for example, in blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk, and saliva, tears, the virus is contained in insignificant concentrations that are safe in terms of infecting others. However, if there are blood impurities in the saliva (for example, in the case of diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity), then such saliva can pose a danger in terms of HIV transmission. The integrity of the skin is a natural barrier to the virus, so it is impossible to transmit HIV with handshakes, hugs. Even if there are abrasions, scratches and cuts, it is necessary that a sufficient amount of blood containing HIV gets into a fresh open or bleeding wound.

You can hear from incompetent citizens that HIV infection is transmitted through insect bites, animals, birds. According to this fact, it is explained that HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus, can live and reproduce only in the human body, therefore animals cannot transmit HIV. In addition, contrary to the widespread "myth", a person's blood does not enter the bloodstream of another person when a mosquito bites.

In addition, such a "myth" as a possible infection with HIV infection at a dentist's appointment was also considered. N. V. Vychikova explained that there is no practical risk of infection in this situation, since the usual disinfection of medical instruments, which is carried out in dental offices, is enough to prevent HIV infection. In addition, all medical devices of multiple use that come into contact with biological body fluids (including blood), with mucous membranes or wound surfaces, in addition to disinfection, undergo pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization.


Thus, the information provided to students will help to avoid infection with a dangerous infection and prevent its spread among students, and for better memorization of the information provided, N. V. Vychikova invited students to familiarize themselves with booklets and memos on this topic.

The meeting was attended by the vice-rector for Educational Work, Associate Professor S. M. Vasiliev, Associate Professor of the Department of General Technical and Special Disciplines S. V. Skirkovsky and senior lecturer of the same department, curator L. A. Goncharova, senior lecturer of the Department of Slavic and Romano-Germanic Languages I. I. Volskaya, specialists in educational and organizational work with foreign languages students of T. A. Tikhonova and I. I. Dyubanova.

The dean of the Faculty of Education of Foreign Citizens, Associate Professor T. A. Vlasyuk, took an active part in the dialogue, who drew the attention of the students present at the meeting to their strict compliance with the rules of internal regulations in the dormitory and the maintenance of places of residence in proper condition according to sanitary and hygienic requirements.


The dialogue and exchange of views at the meeting, according to Natalia Vasilyevna, is designed to provide competent information to young people about the ways of transmission of infection, methods of prevention, as well as the opportunity to undergo free and anonymous HIV testing in medical institutions, which is undoubtedly the main tool for combating the spread of infection today.

L. A. Goncharova,
Senior lecturer of the Department
"General technical and special disciplines",
responsible for educational work at the FOIG

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