70 years of BIRE-BSUT

On October 1, 1953, by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Belarusian Institute of Railway Engineers was established.

In 1993, by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, BIRE was transformed into the Belarusian State University of Transport.

This year BIRE-BSUT is 70 years old.

This time accommodates many milestones on the path of its formation and development. Now our university is the largest educational and scientific center of the transport and construction complexes of the Republic of Belarus. The priority of the university's development is to ensure the staffing needs of various sectors of the country's economy.

On this day, it is especially important to remember those who stood at the origins of our alma mater. We remember our first professors and teachers. In honor of many of them, nominal scholarships have been established for students who have achieved the best results in their studies, scientific activities and social and cultural life.

The staff of BSUT is preparing these days for festive events dedicated to the 70th anniversary. Key actions will be held with the participation of invited guests, graduates and foreign partners, and a series of events will also be organized reflecting the role of BSUT in the formation of the belarusian statehood.

It is the collective that is the main acting force in creation and development. And I appeal to the veterans of BIRE-BSUT, faculty, staff, students, undergraduates, postgraduates, doctoral students and graduates of different years with words of sincere gratitude for their work.

I believe in the further progressive development of our university!

Rector of the University

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu. I. KULAZHENKO




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