Fruitful scientific cooperation with Tashkent State Transport University

During the visit to Uzbekistan, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Yerofeyev Alexander Alexandrovich visited Tashkent State Transport University.


Alexander Alexandrovich got acquainted with the educational base of the university, the scientific and educational equipment used. Of particular interest was the automated system used at the university to evaluate the rating of teachers and departments.



The head of the Department «Materials and Metallurgy» of TashSTU, Doctor of Technical Sciences Nodirjon Kayumzhonovich Tursunov, provided invaluable assistance in organizing the visit and organizing working negotiations.


During the visit to Tashkent State Transport University, working negotiations were held with Turaev Bahadir Khatamovich, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Doctor of Economics, Professor.


A wide range of issues on the prospects of cooperation between universities was discussed - from the organization of summer language schools, joint conferences to the creation of a common Belarusian-Uzbek research laboratory.

Agreements in principle have been reached on the implementation of a number of joint projects.



During a business visit to TashSTU, Yerofeyev Alexander Alexandrovich held business negotiations with Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation of Tashkent State Transport University Said Sanatovich Shaumarov.


Agreements in principle have been reached on the mutual participation of employees of our universities in conferences held free of charge, the specifics of joint work to increase the places of universities in international rankings have been discussed, promising areas of cooperation have been identified.



Vice-Rector for Scientific Work
Alexander Yerofeyev

Photo by Nodirjon Tursuev (Tashkent State Transport Universit)


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