Solemn presentation of diplomas to foreign students

On June 28, 2019, ceremonial presentation of diplomas to foreign students from Turkmenistan, China, Lebanon, Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine took place.


This year, 42 students received full-time and part-time study diplomas in the following specialties: “Commercial activity”, “Accounting, analysis and audit”, “Transport organization and management in road and city transport”, “Roads” , “Rolling stock of railway transport”, “Economy and organization of production”. In addition, 4 foreign citizens from Turkmenistan and China received diplomas on graduate programs in the following specialties: “Economics and Management of National Economy”, “Transport”, “Accounting, Statistics”.


After the official part in the assembly hall of foreign graduates, the dean of foreign students, associate professor Vlasyuk T.A., the staff of the dean's office and teachers of the department "Slavic and Romance-Germanic languages" greeted. To the graduates, good wishes were expressed for further labor success and parting words to find their purpose in life.


Graduates responded with gratitude to the faculty of the university. Many of the young specialists expressed a desire to continue their studies in the master's program at our university.



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