Prospects for the development of interactions between BSUT and Instytut Kolejnictwa (Poland, Warsaw)

As part of the section “Safety and Reliability of Rolling Stock” work at the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference, held on November 28-29, 2019 in BSUT, under the leadership of the Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Ph.D. Erofeev A.A. a round table was held on the development of interactions between BelGUT and Instytut Kolejnictwa (IK), Poland, Warsaw.

The round table was held by BSUT and was attended by the head of the Resident Centre of BSUT, Doctor of Technical Sciences Golovnich A.K., Ph.D. Deputy to the head Ph.D. Komissarov V.V., head of certification department Ph.D. Zaychik V.S., Dean of the Mechanical Faculty, Doctor of Technical Sciences Putyato A.V.

The Polish delegation took part as part of the deputy director of IK Dr. inż. Andrzej Massel, Deputy Head of Electricity Mgr. Marek Kaniewski and engineer of the Motion Control and Telemechanics Division Mgr. Juliusz Furman.


The parties discussed issues in the following areas of cooperation:

Based on the results of the round table, agreements were reached on the development of these areas of interaction between organizations.



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