Happy Day of Knowledge!
- Published: Monday, 31 August 2020 08:04
Dear students, master students, graduate students, college students, cadets, and teachers!
I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge!
This is the first holiday in the new school year. It is filled with special anticipation feelings of new and exciting events, long-awaited meetings with friends and beloved teachers.
The ancient wisdom "Live and learn" is relevant at all times. And education has always been the basis for a successful career and a prosperous life. The rapidly growing level of technology and the development of knowledge industries require continuous development and continuous improvement of professional skills.
We are proud that our University has a modern education system that combines the best traditions of the past and the present. This is a unique baggage for educating good specialists, worthy citizens of their country.
Let the new school year bring everyone the joy of creativity. I wish you all good health, peace, fruitful study, successful work, happiness and prosperity!
Rector of the University,
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics
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