Mechanics and thermal dynamics of the frictional contact of solids

The head of school:
Advanced Doctor in Engineering Sciences, Full Professor,
The head of the Department of Materials Science and Technology of Materials
Bogdanovich Pavel Nikolaevich
The main directions of scientific research
- tthe thermal dynamics and mechanics of high-speed frictional contact of solids;
- the fatigue wear of machine parts;
- the development of materials of tribotechnical function.
Quantitative and qualitative composition
The school has 8 people, including 1 Advanced Doctor, 1 Ph.D. of Engineering Sciences, 4 young scientists.
Key Scientific Results
There are 5 candidate dissertations had been defended under the leadership of Bogdanovich P.N.
Introduced into production:
- the tape antifriction material, device and technology for its manufacture (mass production is organized at the Gomeldrev, OJSC);
- the friction linings of the vibration damper of diesel locomotives (mass production is carried out at the Soligorsk, Institute for Resource Saving Problems with Pilot Production, CJSC);
- the methodology for comparative laboratory tests of lubricants for friction units of rolling stock at the Belarusian Railway, OJSC.
The major publications
- Богданович П.Н. Прушак В.Я. Трение и износ в машинах, Мн.: "Вышэйшая школа", 1999, 374 с. (учебник);
- Богданович П.Н., Прушак В.Я., Богданович С.П. Трение, смазка и износ в машинах. Мн.: «Технология», 2011, 528 с. (учебник);
- Богданович П.Н., Завистовский В.Э., Холодилов О.В. Физика отказов механических систем Мн.: "Технопринт", 1999, с. 212 (учебное пособие);
- Богданович П.Н., Богданович С.П., Кривенков А.А, Близнец Д.А. Трение и износ в машинах Гомель: Издательство БелГУТа, 2010, 120 с. (учебное пособие).
The scientific publications in foreign journals
- P.N. Bogdanovich, Tkachuk D.V. Temperature fields in a high-speed friction contact. Tribologia. 2004. V. 193, № 1, р. 75 – 90.
- P.N. Bogdanovich, D.V. Tkachuk. Thermal processes at high–speed friction. International journal of applied mechanics and engineering, 2004. v.9, p.177-182.
- P.N. Bogdanovich, D.V. Tkachuk. Method of Determining Temperature Fields in Rubbing Solid Contacts. Tribotest journal 11-2, December 2004, p. 125-135.
- P.N. Bogdanovich, A.A. Baidak. Tetperature fields in the contact of rubbing bodies. International symposium «On the origin of solids friction». 2004, р. 53.
- P.N. Bogdanovich, A.A.Baidak, S.P. Bogdanowich. Failure of polymeric Composites in Reciprocal Friction. Mechanika Zniszczenia Materialow i Konstrukcji. 2005, р. 27 – 30
- P.N. Bogdanovich, V.M. Belov, D.V. Tkachuk. Dimensions and kinetics of local heat sources in rubbing solid contact. Int. J. of Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2006, Vol. 11. P. 5 - 13.
- P.N. Bogdanovich, D.V. Tkachuk. Temperature distribution over contact area and “hot spots” in rubbing solid contact. Tribologie International, 2006, Vol. 39, № 11, P. 1355 – 1360.
- P.N. Bogdanowich, D.V Tkachuk, D.А. Bliznetz. Разрушение материалов при динамическом контактном взаимодействии. Acta mechanica et automatica, 2007, Vol. 1, №1, р. 15–18.
- P.N. Bogdanowich, D.V.Tkachuk, V.M. Belov. Determination of temperature field in zone of cutting of diamond crystals by thermography. Journal of Friction and Wear, 2007, Vol. 28, № 1, р. 44 -50.
- P.N. Bogdanowich, D.V. Tkachuk, D.А. Bliznetz. Effect of temperature field on wear of nonmetal ling materials at abrasive machining. Journal of Friction and Wear, 2007, Vol. 28, № 6, р. 532 - 540.
- P.N. Bogdanowich, D.А. Bliznetz. 6-th International Symposium on Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2011, P. 36 – 37.
- P.N. Bogdanovich, D.V. Tkachuk. Polymer Fatigue. Encyclopedia of Tribology. Usa, 2013, P. 2578 – 2585.
Scientific relations with domestic scientific organizations and the international scientific community
As part of the branch of the department, joint research is being carried out with The State Scientific Institution «V.A.Belyi Metal-Polymer Research Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus» (MPRI) , the results of which are presented in joint publications. Graduate students of the department use laboratory equipment and MPRI library funds.
Together with the Soligorsk Institute for Resource Saving Problems, research is being carried out to develop friction material for vehicle brakes, to improve the composition of friction material for a vibration damper of a locomotive — studies are being conducted on the basis of fulfilling business contracts.
Contracts with the Kaunas University of Technology, (Kaunas, Lithuania), the Nanjing University of Science and the Technology (Nanjing, China) on scientific and technical cooperation.
The public recognition of a science school
Bogdanovich P.N. - the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus (2006);
Bliznec D.A - the scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus for young scientists (2011), the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus (2008).
The diplomas of international exhibitions in Riga (2004), Shanghai (2006), Hanover (2008), Moscow (2009), St. Petersburg (2012).