
12 May 2022
In continuation of the program of a working visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan, the delegation of our university got acquainted with the work of the Engineering and Technology Faculty of BNTU-TSTU...
11 May 2022
In the period from May 11 to May 13, 2022, the delegation of the educational institution "Belarusian State University of Transport" consisting of the rector of the university Yuri Kulazhenko and...
06 May 2022
Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War, teachers, staff, students and cadets! I heartily congratulate you on the Great Victory Day!
13 December 2021
As sequential of the long-term and close ties of the Belarusian State Transport University with the leading transport institutes of Uzbekistan (TashIIT and TADI), today BSUT is actively developing...
11 November 2021
The cooperation between BSUT and the Guangzhou Railway Vocational College has been going on for many years. During this time, the summer school of the Russian language was organized for college...
17 September 2021
On September 16, 2021, the university hosted the event "In a Single Family", dedicated to the National Unity Day, organized by the NGO "Belarusian Union of Women".
26 August 2021
Dear students, undergraduates and teachers. I sincerely congratulate you on the Knowledge Day!
31 July 2021
From July 27 to July 29, 2021, the Defence Ministry delegation of the Republic of Kazakhstan paid a working visit to the Military Transport Faculty.
04 May 2021
Since 2005, our university annually has held the International Engineering Mechanics Contest.
29 April 2021
The festival is not only a celebration of people's culture and traditions, it is also a spectacular forum that allows you to express your attitude to historical events in bright, emotional colors...
10 March 2021
var _tmr = window._tmr || (window._tmr = []); _tmr.push({id: "1778853", type: "pageView", start: (new Date()).getTime()}); (function (d, w, id) { if (d.getElementById(id)) return; var ts...
11 January 2021
In the context of international cooperation, the Transport Economics Department of our university together with the Economics Department’s staff of the Tashkent State University of Transport held a...
30 December 2020
On December 22, 2020, the Transport Economics Department of our university, in the context of international cooperation, with the Economics Department’s staff of the Tashkent State University of...
24 December 2020
The project "International cooperation between BSUT and Guangzhou Railway Polytechnic" is continuing its work.
21 December 2020
On December 18, 2020, in the context of international cooperation professor Alla Nevzorova and the student group of the Civil Engineering Faculty of BSUT met with a guest from Tashkent State...
04 December 2020
International cooperation has always been an essential attribute of the development of both states in general and individual enterprises in particular. 
26 November 2020
Accounting and audit perform an information function in the enterprise management system.
17 November 2020
Today, on November 17, 2020, the meeting of the Council for education and science of the Coordinating Transport Meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CTM CIS) was held on the basis of...
10 November 2020
So, the long-awaited defence of diplomas of the correspondence course for foreign citizens study in the specialty "Accounting, analysis and audit (in directions)" took place.