
04 December 2020
International cooperation has always been an essential attribute of the development of both states in general and individual enterprises in particular. 
26 November 2020
Accounting and audit perform an information function in the enterprise management system.
17 November 2020
Today, on November 17, 2020, the meeting of the Council for education and science of the Coordinating Transport Meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CTM CIS) was held on the basis of...
10 November 2020
So, the long-awaited defence of diplomas of the correspondence course for foreign citizens study in the specialty "Accounting, analysis and audit (in directions)" took place.
04 November 2020
On October 30, 2020, foreign students from different countries (Turkey, Turkmenistan, and China) and lecturers of the Russian language as foreign of the Faculty for Teaching Foreign Citizens and the...
23 October 2020
Students of the faculty for teaching foreign citizens continue to delight with their sports achievements and team spirit.
20 October 2020
Students who come to study at BSUT from other countries, in their stories about studying at our university, always remember not only lectures and laboratory classes, but also sports. This is one of...
19 October 2020
As Yu.I. Kulazhenko, rector of the Belarusian State University of Transport, noted during a video meeting with Chinese partners from Guangdong province on October 12, 2020, despite all the...
15 October 2020
The slideshow and video materials "From the history of the main symbols of Belarus" (flag, coat of arms, anthem) were showed with the anthem of the Republic of Belarus was solemn performed as a part...
06 October 2020
We invite you to take part in the University competition "Transport of the Future".
06 October 2020
On October 3, the Sports and Health day was held at the BSUT sports complex.
18 September 2020
On November 26 - 27, 2020, BSUT will host the X International Scientific and Practical Conference "TRANSPORT SAFETY ASPECTS".
17 September 2020
On September 15, 2020, students of the faculty for teaching foreign citizens from China and Turkmenistan, escorted by their curators, attended Library Night 2020 at the Gomel Regional Universal...
16 September 2020
On September 10-11, 2020, the final of the VIII International Engineering Championship "CASE-IN", which had the theme "Technological modernization", took place in the format of a teleconference....
10 September 2020
On September 5, 2020, at the meeting of Gomel City Executive Committee, the best organizations that achieved high socio-economic indicators for 2019 were awarded with including on the GOMEL CITY...
31 August 2020
Dear students, master students, graduate students, college students, cadets, and teachers! I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge!
01 August 2020
On June 27, 2020, an online conference "Globalization and youth of Uzbekistan" was held, organized and conducted by the Institute for the Study of Youth Problems and the Training of Perspective...
24 June 2020
Dear graduates! So the day has come for your farewell with the university.
18 June 2020
One more consolidation link of the international cooperation of our university in the field of education with the Baltic countries, Central and East Asia had been the defence of diploma projects by...