Since 1970 the Electro-technical faculty has been training highly qualified electrical engineers in the specialty "Automation, telemechanics and communications in railway transport" (qualification - electrical engineer).

Specialists - graduates of the faculty - work fruitfully in various branches of the national economy, not only of the Republic of Belarus, but also abroad.

With the introduction of computer-based control technologies on the railways to signal service and communication specialists, the responsibility lies for the trouble-free functioning of software and hardware complexes and automated workstations on the basis of personal computers working both autonomously and in local information and corporate glogs -ball networks. Therefore, when preparing students, a lot of attention is paid to studying the basics of information and microprocessor technology, software and software, and obtaining skills in working with modern programming tools.

The faculty has a modern material and technical base, including specialized laboratories equipped with test benches and equipment.

The main directions of scientific research of the faculty are:

  • development of computer and microprocessor systems of railway automatics, telemechanics and communications;
  • telecommunication systems and technologies;
  • development of computer information networks and microprocessor devices in process control systems;
  • formations of finite groups and related algebraic systems.

Contact Information:

tel: 8 0232 95 32 08

Fax: 8 0232 95-92-59

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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