Conference proceedings


Conference Proceedings. Part 1

Conference Proceedings. Part 2

Conference Proceedings. Part 3

Conference Proceedings. Part 4

Conference Proceedings. Part 5

Workshop materials

Conference Proceedings

Conference proceedings. Part 1

Conference proceedings. Part 2

  • International scientific and practical conference "Scientific and methodological aspects of mathematical training in technical universities". October 25, 2019

Conference proceedings

  • Republican scientific and practical conference "Unforgettable days of liberation" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus. May 2, 2019

Conference proceedings

  • Scientific and historical seminar "Gomel region. Milestones of history". December,14, 2019


  • IV International scientific and practical conference “Actual issues and prospects for the development of transport and construction complexes” (65th anniversary of the founding of the Belarusian Institute of Railway Engineers – BelSUT). October 11-12, 2018

Conference proceedings. Part 1

Conference proceedings. Part 2

  • VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "PROBLEMS OF SAFETY IN TRANSPORT". November 23-24, 2017

Conference proceedings. Part 1

Conference proceedings. Part 2

  • VII International scientific and practical conference "Innovative experience of ideological, educational and informational work in the university". May 23, 2018

Conference proceedings

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