From November 26 to December 1, 2018 - it was a week of learning English at the department "Slavic and Romano-Germanic languages." The purpose of this event was to attract students' attention to the study of foreign languages and to show the possibilities and prospects of social and cultural communication.

November 26-27, 2018, 2-4 courses students of our university, accompanied by teachers of the department "Slavic and Roman-Germanic languages" E.L. Baturina and O.N. Filimonchik attended meetings organized by the Gomel Regional Universal Library and the US Embassy in the Republic of Belarus as part of the Days of American Culture in Belarus.

The group of engineering and technical workers of the Latvian Railway have improved their qualifications at the Institute of Advanced Studies and Retraining of managers and specialists of the transport complex of the Republic of Belarus.

For nearly two months, professor Zhongsheng Wang from Xi'an Technological University (XATU) was a guest at our university. As a specialist in the research of advanced network and sensors, especially in Internet of Things, he shared his knowledge with students and undergraduates of various specialties whose competencies include the area of professor’s interest.

Within the framework of the talents and skills development platform of the International Union of Railways, organized in cooperation with the Latvian Railways (Latvian Railway) in the city of Riga from 29 to 30 October 2018, an international conference “Attraction of New Talent in Conditions of Increasing Competition and Open Labour Market”, which was held at the Riga Technical University. It brought together 200 representatives of the railway industry from 25 countries from Asia, Europe and Africa.

The program of events dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the formation of BIIZHT-BelSUT of Gomel.

In September 2018, BelSUT and Xi’an Technological University signed a cooperation agreement, under which academic mobility activities are carried out.

Belarusian State University of Transport takes an active part in the annual events of the Belarusian Transport Week - the international transport and logistics forum and the international specialized exhibition “Transport and Logistics”. The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus V.E. Kukharev, Minister of Transport and Communications A.A. Sivak, heads of transport ministries of Latvia, Lithuania and Russia.

September 25, 2018 students of the BelSUT specialties "Architecture", "Customs", "Logistics", accompanied by teachers of the department "Slavic and Roman-Germanic languages" met with the vice-consul of the US Embassy, ​​Ellison McCoy. 

More than 3300 participants from 60 countries presented their products and services at the largest international exhibition of transport technologies, innovations of rolling stock and rail transport systems InnoTrans-2018 (September 18-21, 2018, Berlin).