The student of the correspondence faculty of BSUT Chabay Elizaveta is a member of the national beach volleyball team of Belarus

On May 21, 2019, at the Department of Transport Economics, a scientific and methodological seminar was held on the program of international scientific and methodological cooperation with the participation of representatives of The Tashkent Institute for the Design, Construction and Maintenance of Automotive Roads – Associate Professor Yuldasheva S.A., Associate Professor Omonov B.Sh.

Gomel State Road Construction College named after the Lenin Komsomol of Belarus is one of the oldest transport educational institutions in the Republic of Belarus. For almost 90 years the college has been training specialists in various fields for the road industry. Graduates of almost all specialties of the college, interested in obtaining higher education, quite often continue their studies at the Belarusian State University of Transport on full-time and reduced correspondence courses.

The Tashkent Institute for the Design, Construction and Maintenance of Automotive Roads is the only specialized higher educational institution of the road profile, in which the areas of training of specialists are similar to some areas of training at our university. In May, as part of a set of measures for the development of bilateral relations between our universities, Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor Yuldasheva S.A. and Ph.D., associate professor Omonov B.Sh. visited several departments of the university, including the department "Design, construction and operation of transport facilities", which is producing for the specialty "Highways".

In November 2017, a cooperation Agreement was signed between BSUT and the Tashkent Institute for the Design, Construction and Management of Automobile Roads (TIDCMAR), which provides for the mutual exchange of publications, as well as an academic exchange of teachers and students.

From 21 to 30 June 2019, the Republic of Belarus will accept the II European games - international complex sports competitions among the athletes of the European continent, which are held every four years under the leadership of the European Olympic Committees.

From 13 to 17 May 2019, within the framework of the "Inter-GGU" Friendship Week, the Inter-University Russian Language Olympiad was held for foreign students studying in universities of Gomel.  The overall theme of the Olympiad was “To become a specialist, you need to master Russian.”

The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, at the initiative of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in Turkmenistan, assisted in organizing the work of the delegation consisting of 21 universities’ representatives in the exhibition of Belarusian education services “Fair of Knowledge”, which was held from April 21 to April 23 in Ashgabat. The delegation was led by Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus Sergei V. Rudy.

From 15 to 18 April, the 15th International Olympiad on Theoretical Mechanics was held at our university. It was attended by 150 students from 39 universities of 6 countries. ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 

Specialists of the Latvian Railway were trained in “Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of the transport complex managers and specialists” of the educational institutions “Belarusian State University of Transport” from March 25 to March 29. The theme of training courses was “Software development for railway automation and remote control systems according to the requirements of IEC 62279-2015 (EN50128)”.